About us

He later became a chef and met entrepreneurs Graham Smith and Jim Spathis.
They all shared the same passion about growing mushrooms, and, in 2018, founded their new mushroom cultivation business - Les 400 Pieds de Champignon - in Montréal's Côtes-des-Neiges borough, in a 400 square foot office space.
Initially, they were growing three different kinds of mushrooms in their small space and they produced 150 pounds of mushrooms a week.

Due to the outstanding quality and freshness, they quickly outgrew their 400 square foot office space, and expanded their business at the beginning of 2020. In their new larger facility, they could now grow over 10 different varieties of mushrooms as well as help other mushroom enthusiasts learn to grow their own at home by providing the tools and knowledge.
The owner, Michaël, offers private counselling if you would like to learn more about mushrooms or start your own business.
He also happily represents the company at social events and gives interviews for newspapers, blogs, TV and radio shows.
You can contact him here: michael@les400piedsdechampignon.com